Отдых на Пхукете круглый годThe most popular time to visit Phuket is among the most tourists, regular tourists on the island is between November to March.

However, few people know that it is possible to rent a house in Phuket at any time of the year and relax.

Weather in Phuket virtually unchanged throughout the year: the average daily temperature from January to December is in the range of 28-32 degrees. High and low season in Phuket differ only in the number of incoming tourists. Due to the sharp reduction in the flow of tourists to Thailand, summer is the time of discounts not only in stores but also in the real estate market. To rent a house in Phuket in the summer in half or two times cheaper than during the high season.

If to rent a house in Phuket in the summer, you can enjoy the peace and tranquility in almost any area of the island, as most summer tourists come not for the sake of convenience of the parties and for a peaceful and relaxing stay.

To rent a house in Phuket at the best conditions, can anyone who wants to relax on the island for more than six consecutive months. Long lease monthly rent can be reduced almost two times. In addition, when a long-term rent of utility bills are billed on government rates, which are much cheaper than private.

Trip to Phuket out of season is the opportunity to see a completely different image of the island and relax in the silence of a tropical Paradise.

To rent a house in Phuket for any date and time at the best prices on nHaShem website.