Фрукты Таиланда поражают разнообразием и вкусомMild tropical climate of Thailand provides ideal conditions for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables: during the year, harvested here from three to five crops. In addition to such familiar watermelons, pineapples, bananas, oranges and coconuts in Thailand all year round you can try many other exotic fruits: mangostine, papaya, mango, lychee, dragon fruit, durian.

  • The mangosteen is a fruit with a hard purple shell and a four-leaf hat with a stalk. The flesh of the open mangosteen resembles cloves of garlic, but its tart sour-sweet taste is difficult with something to compare. There is a perception that it is the most delicious in the world.
  • Pitaya or dragon fruit is a large red-pink fruit with white or red flesh, a bit like the flesh of a kiwi fruit.

Papaya is a large, oblong fruit with a soft orange pith, rich in enzymes that promote digestion and absorption of protein. Papaya is eaten, including unripe view: green papaya is part of traditional Thai salads.

  • Guava

Two kinds of guava grown in Thailand, is almost identical in taste and differ only in the color: the fruits are green or red.

Guava contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A and B.

  • Noina (sugar Apple)

The fruit sugar Apple with pale green skin, resembling scales, traditionally serve as the basis for Thai homemade ice cream and desserts.

  • Lychee

Small twigs littered with large juicy berries lychee, ripe in Thailand only in the period from March to April. These fruits not only have a subtle sweet-sour taste, but also rich in Vitamine C, B1, B2 and PP, as well as carbohydrates, iron, and phosphorus.

  • Mango

Yellow Thai mango - juicy and flavorful fruit is a source of vitamins C, b and A, and also improves the immune system.

  • Rose Apple is one of the most juicy and light Thai fruit, which is definitely worth a try. Great thirst quencher.
  • Durian

Strong cheesy smell of the flesh of durian is not for everyone, but its taste is absolutely unique and combines, and a delicate fruity, sweet and sour shades. Most Asians loves this strange delicacy and because the durian got its second informal name – "king of fruits".

Most fruits grown in Thailand, you can try and purchase throughout the year; this is only to go to the nearest local market. Thai sellers always help you choose a ripe juicy fruits, happy to show you how to clean them and often offer small pieces of fruit to sample.

  • Pineapple is considered one of the most delicious fruits of Thailand
  • Long Con - sweet and juicy tropical fruit, a bit like the taste of grapes, and peeled the garlic.
  • Rambutan is one of the most unusual tropical fruits. Greenish hairs gives it an incredible exoticism.
  • Coconut, though technically not a fruit, but certainly worth a try.